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Young ROYAL S2

"Episode 1"

Simon meets Marcus, a colleague of Sara. Sara gains a scholarship to board at Hillerska. During her boarding house initiation, she drinks alcohol and starts a fire. Simon asks Marcus for a lift to rescue her. Simon encounters Wilhelm, who sees him drive off with Marcus. Wilhelm is blackmailing August for favours to embarrass him in front of his senior friends, in exchange for not revealing that it was August who leaked the video of Wilhelm and Simon. August believes it was Sara who revealed August's treachery to Wilhelm, when in fact Wilhelm found out from Felice. Wilhelm conceals from Alexander that he was involved in getting him suspended from school the previous term. Sara struggles with money at the expensive school canteen and hides this from her friends. Wilhelm sees a video of Simon and Marcus performing karaoke together. Wilhelm phones his mother, the Queen, angry that he was made to conceal his relationship with Simon and that decisions are being made behind his back.

"Episode 2"

Sara receives an expensive pair of jodhpurs from her housemates for her birthday, but they say it is a tradition that they all contribute to each other's birthday presents. Sara receives a cheaper pair of jodhpurs from Simon and her mother, which Sara suggests they return. Wilhelm suggests the other seniors remove August from his coveted position of prefect. The Queen orders that Wilhelm be taken out of Hillerska. Wilhelm resists, and a snow globe given to him by his deceased brother Erik is broken. The Queen says that royals must keep their relationships secret and that they can discuss it again when Wilhelm turns 18. The Queen insists Wilhelm visit a therapist, while he in return demands his security detail be removed. Simon attempts to keep Wilhelm at Hillerska by speaking to the Headmistress but is unsuccessful. Simon again refuses to be Wilhelm's secret. Simon goes on another date with Marcus, and the two share a kiss. Sara discovers Wilhelm and Felice's messages about August leaking the video, and reveals this to August. Sara tells August that she wants to have sex with him, to his bemusement. Felice and Wilhelm go clay pigeon shooting, but Marcus is the thrower; all the while Wilhelm's jealousy of Marcus grows. Wilhelm helps Simon keep his scholarship at Hillerska by helping them both cheats on a qualifying run for the crew team. August receives an invitation to the Royal Palace via voicemail.

"Episode 3"

August consults a lawyer (his stepfather). Wilhelm opens up to his therapist. Wilhelm and Simon work on a school project together. Simon tells Wilhelm he is not in a relationship with Marcus. Wilhelm and Simon compete in a rowing competition, but their team loses. Marcus comes to spectate and kisses Simon, observed by an upset Wilhelm. Vincent, August's replacement as prefect and crew team captain, becomes increasingly authoritarian. The Queen secretly makes August second in line to the throne, behind Wilhelm, and tells him to prepare to give a speech for Hillerska's anniversary in case Wilhelm won't give it. Wilhelm and Felice kiss, but are discovered by Henry, a fellow housemate.

"Episode 4"

News of Wilhelm and Felice's kiss spreads – the boys laugh it up while Felice faces accusations of being a gold digger. Simon and Wilhelm argue. Wilhelm and Felice reconcile. All students prepare for the St. Valentine's traditions, which see boys write poems for the girls they like, and culminate in a 1700s-themed ball. Simon asks Marcus to go with him, but he declines. The Royal Court telephones August about their intention to plan his next 10 years, starting with military service. August reveals his status as Wilhelm's backup to Sara. August, now having genuine feelings for Sara, asks her to the ball, but she declines due to being worried about Felice's reaction. Felice declines Wilhelm's offer to go as friends, so all the girls go together. August tells Alexander that Wilhelm was responsible for his suspension over drugs. Marcus takes Simon to the ball, but Simon is distracted by Wilhelm. Wilhelm makes peace with Marcus, but when Simon follows Wilhelm outside, the pair wind up in a passionate embrace. Inspired by the kiss, Simon debuts a transcendent performance of his new solo to the delighted students.

"Episode 5"

The Queen's adviser Jan-Olof insists the traditional version of the school song is sung, to avoid Simon's solo drawing attention to the relationship between Wilhelm and Simon. Wilhelm tells Simon that August leaked the video. The Queen tells Wilhelm that if he doesn't give the speech, August will. Felice's parents sell her horse, Rousseau, upsetting Sara. Wilhelm tells Simon that if he presses charges against August, Wilhelm will no longer have a backup. Nonetheless, Simon decides to report August to the police. Wilhelm and Simon reconcile.

"Episode 6"

Simon breaks up with Marcus. August convinces Alexander to take the blame for the leaked video, and says that if Simon goes to the police, he will reveal Simon sold him drugs. Sara admits her relationship with August to Felice, who is furious with her. When Wilhelm threatens August with a shotgun, Sara reveals she told August that Simon was about to go to the police. Simon decides not to go to the police to spare his mother the embarrassment. August buys Felice's old horse, Rousseau, as a present for Sara, but Sara leaves him. Before the school's anniversary gala, Simon tells Wilhelm that he loves him. At the gala, Wilhelm delivers a heartfelt speech on being open and not keeping secrets, and publicly admits it was him in the video. Sara reports August to the police.

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